Simple ice time management and reporting for your rink

Manage and publish your schedule. Keep players, parents, and coaches up to date. Send and track invoices.

Admin Dashboard Calendar

Manage your schedule

A simple interface lets you plan and adjust your ice time schedule from anywhere with ease. View ice times by date, by team, or by group. Identify gaps and conflicts at a glance.

Admin Icetimes

Publish your schedule

Each rink has a public website to keep everyone up to date. Coaches will know what free times are available, and teams can see all of their scheduled ice times in one place. Anyone can subscribe to their own schedule in their favourite calendar app.

Public Rink Homepage

Send detailed invoices

Currently in development – soon you'll be able to track hours by group, team, or month so you have a clear picture of the hours you need to invoice. Collect, send, and track invoices.

Admin Icetime Reports

Annual Subscription

Get started right away with no payment up front. Try RinkBook free for 60 days then pay just $240 for the year.

What’s included

  • Multiple users
  • Unlimited icetimes and teams
  • Public rink schedule
  • Real time reports

Try it free for 60 days

$240 /year

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